Our Grow Group meets at 9 am every Sunday in the fellowship hall building for in depth study and discussion. We will begin a new study on September 3 called Questions Jesus Asked by Magrey R. DeVega. Contact leader, Larry Teesdale, for more information (228) 326-6564.

A little about the new study: Jesus was fond of asking questions, many of which cut right to the heart of what it means to be human. Why are you terrified? What do you live for? Who do you say that I am? In Questions Jesus Asked, author Magrey deVega explores six of the most provocative questions Jesus posed to others and guides us in answering them for ourselves.

Asking these questions takes courage. Not only do they reveal what Jesus really cares about, they open a window into our hearts. . Are you willing to step out in faith? Are you ready to answer the questions Jesus asked?